2.1 Diligent business performance
1) All employees shall share the company management philosophy and understand the goals and values that the company holds.
All employees shall do their best in fulfilling their duties in rightful
manner and comply to all regulations of the company.
2) All employees shall comprehend that one’s words and actions are directly
linked to the company’s trust and reputation, hence must strive to fulfill
one’s role and responsibility as a member of the society.
2.2 Resolution of conflict of interests
1) All employees shall attempt to not provoke any conflicts of interest against the company, and in such cases must place
the company’s profit as a top priority. When one discovers any violation
to the aforementioned rule, one must report to group leaders or team managers.
2) A conflict of interests that an employee can practice its business influence
or impact an employee’s decision or action is as follows:
- An employee directly or trilaterally deals or makes contract with another
- An employee directly or trilaterally deals with a competing or associated
- An employee also holds another title in an associated company without
the approval of GS Global
- An employee forms business relations with associated companies such as
feneration, joint investment, guarantee loans, real estate and lease of movable
- An employee receives compensation from associated companies or receives
stocks and bonds of associated companies
- An employee’s family members or relatives dealing with GS Global and its
associated companies
- An employee utilizes the company’s assets and management information to
unjustly obtain personal benefits
- An employee abuses its business position to perform unjust influence during
business processes such as requesting special consideration to associated
companies or asking various conveniences.
3) The aforementioned clause 2 is only a partial illustration of all possible
conflicts of interests, hence an employee must always strictly abide to the
ethics practice regulation
2.3. Protection of company assets and information
1) All employees shall justly utilize and protect the company’s tangible and intangible assets.
2) Protection of assets
- An employee shall not use the company’s assets without approval for personal
or trilateral individuals’ benefits.
- An employee shall not transfer the company assets at a low price, buy
or borrow a trilateral asset in high price using company assets for oneself
or for a trilateral individual.
- An employee shall immediately report to the company and devise actions
to minimize losses in times of a situation which the company faces any possibilities
of major losses
- An employee shall not use company budget for personal issues and will use
it in accordance with company’s goals and criteria.
3) Protection of information
- An employee shall not utilize or share undisclosed information obtained during business process to trilateral individual
for personal benefits.
- An employee shall not disclose or provide company information and business
secrets both internally and externally without approval. Also, all employees
must fully cooperate with company’s regulation of storing and inspecting
digital documents sent outside.
2.4. Acceptance of gifts and entertainment
1) An employee shall draw a clear line between business and personal matters, and execute all business with fairness and
2) An employee shall not receive money, valuables, treats or personal convenience
from associated companies and partners. However, gifts and entertainment
of acceptable level within our society is permitted in order to maintain
mutually healthy relationship with associates. Further detailed rules may
be established and implemented within individual divisions.
2.5. Mutual respect among company members
1) All employees shall mutually respect each other and retain basic business manners to eliminate any impediments to happy
business environment and formulate healthy corporate atmosphere.
2) All employees shall not discriminate against gender, academic background,
hometown, marital status, race, nationality, religion and others.
3) All employees shall not violate personal rights, sexually harass others,
or impose personal burden to coworkers that may destruct the company’s working